Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 1 of 34-day Liquid Fast

Weight: 145.6 (a new low since I started writing: yay!!)

Intake: 8 oz vanilla soy milk, 2 bottles of low-cal vitamin water, 2 apple ciders
Calories: 310

Just so you'd know I don't calculate how much water, coffee, tea or other no-cal beverages I consume. And I DO NOT drink anything containing aspartame (when I'm being good). It might be just a mind trick but I swear that stuff makes me eat.

The apple cider was a mistake; I was just going to have one but it was so dang delicious. So now I'm on an obscene sugar rush and kicking myself a little bit.

Something weird is going on with my teeth today. I swear I brushed them this morning (I'm pretty anal about it and I remember doing it), but they felt disgusting all day. I couldn't wait to get home and brush them, which I did immediately upon returning. But they still felt gross. So I brushed them again, and still, yuck. So I tried again with different toothpaste, but nothing doing. I'm going to go try using a different brush. This is really irritating and gross.

Mildly better, but still weird.

I'm thinking that eating days on this diet might be harder than the no-eating days. It's relatively simple as long as you don't get started (for me at least), but stopping once you start is quite difficult! I'm nervous for tomorrow - I'm having vegan dinner at a friend's house. I think I'll buy gum for before and after. One piece while we're cooking so that I don't snack. Then when dinner's served I'll give myself a 240-calorie portion and insert a stick of gum immediately afterward. I have faith in myself, though. Plus, how embarrassing would it be to have to admit publicly (on here) that I failed my fast on the second day?? Yeah.

Oh, by the way, I hate my boyfriend. We were supposed to hang out tonight after I got done with IOP at 8. He didn't pick up his phone until 8:45. I still had to go for my run, and he was going to have a sandwich, so he said he'd call me when he was done. He did not call me until almost 10:30. I know it doesn't take that long to make and eat a sandwich. Maybe he was hoping I would say it was too late. If so, he got his wish.

Alright, rant is complete.

Oh man the melatonin is kicking in. Can't wait for the scales tomorrow (God it's been too long since I felt this way) - wish me luck!!!


  1. hello! my name is carla and im 17. im ana and decided to start a blog as well:

  2. 34 day liquid fast!!! Thats amazing. You're gonna look awesome by the end of it! Good luck

  3. I found this weight loss competition on this blogging thing xanga that some girls do, u can see it here:

    It would be fun cause we can compete with weight loss, but in a enjoyable and supportive way. And we could have a points system like if we stay under goal calorie intake we get 5 points.

    Would you want to join if I made a site like this on blogger?

  4. It would not surprise me if aspartame makes you hungry. It's got a lot of strange side effects. (Maybe I'll research that one next.)

  5. You might be detoxing because of the liquid diet/reduced calories. When I'm fasting (even after just one day) my mouth and teeth feel really gross and my tongue gets a white film on it. Blech. If you stick with it, the flim eventually goes away. Stay strong!
