Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Breakfast: 9 grapes, 1 bottle of sugar-free (stevia-sweetened) vitamin water
Lunch: 1/5 block of firm tofu (broiled), 6 romaine lettuce leaves with 2 tbs. amy's goddess dressing
Snack: 1 apple, 3 strawberries
Dinner: same as lunch
Calories: 600

It feels great to see the numbers on the scale going down again. The loss seems unnaturally fast to me - but I've pooped like three times in the last couple of days. I think all that purging from the last few weeks made me super-constipated (sorry! I know it's gross but I had to get it off my chest).

I got two tests back today. 98 on one and 100 on the other.
You know what's weird? After I got the 98 I was really disappointed because the high score in the class was 99, which means someone did better than me. I'm so insanely competitive that I couldn't even appreciate my good grade because second place is worthless to me. But on some level I realize how silly that is and so I guess I'm still pretty proud of myself. :)

Tomorrow will be the last day of 2-4-6-8. I'm going to jump right into a 34-day liquid fast afterward. I read about the fast on another blog and I used to always think, "I would never be able to do that. Maybe someday I'll have the willpower." Now I know I can make it. One day at a time (as they say in AA). I'm excited. The longest I've ever fasted was three days. The title of the 34-day liquid fast is deceiving; I am not going to fast for 34 days straight. The way I understood it (and thus the way I'm going to do it) is: one day of fasting, then one day of eating. Then two days of fasting, then one day of eating. Then three days of fasting, etc. all the way through to a full seven-day fast. I wanted to do a pure juice fast, but I'm still in school and do not feel like giving up coffee at the moment. So I'm expanding mine to include any and all liquids (except, of course, my nemesis alcohol, and anything non-vegan). I will tally my calorie intake on fasting days, but not restrict. On eating days, I must consume a total of 250 calories (no more, no less) and none of them can be liquid.


I can't wait for the feeling of cleansing emptiness; I almost want to start tomorrow. But I need to finish my current diet before starting the next one. I'm so excited to have followers. It made my day today.

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