Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Once again I don't have that much news. I had to leave class early today because I was coughing so much. It was incredibly embarassing. So I didn't even bother going to my next class; so much for my perfect attendance this quarter. I am feeling frustrated at the moment with this stupid flu for not letting me live life on my terms.

I did do 40 minutes on the elliptical this morning, though. I've decided to make my BF a pie for his upcoming birthday. I'm wondering, though, if it's a little too much. I'm already getting him a couple of other (pretty expensive!) things. Although we've been together for almost two years, I am a natural game player and am constantly thinking on competitive terms. I don't want him to think that I love him more than he loves me!! I know, it's ridiculous. But obviously, something's working. I'm still very happy with our relationship (most of the time).

Okay, intake for the day:

Breakfast: 1/4 loaf of italian bread (ugh I was only going to have one slice and then it turned into two)
Lunch: 2 boca patties, fried in pam and seasoned with garlic salt, very large salad (half a bag of one of those pre-made, American style) plus one stalk of celery plus thinly sliced onion with 1/4 cup of tahini dressing
Dinner: one large fuji apple

I calculated no more than 1000 calories.

Even though I didn't do anything today I am really looking forward to sleep. I've been taking melatonin lately an hour before bedtime, which makes me fall asleep instantly when I lay down. That's a really nice change for me: under normal circumstances it takes me about thirty minutes to fall asleep after I go to bed. And it makes me have these crazy dreams so that every night is an adventure. But I can never seem to remember them for more than a few minutes after I wake up, even when I remind myself. Maybe I should start writing them down, but the last thing I want to do when I wake up in the morning is pick up a pencil.

I still haven't researched how apple cider vinegar works. But I actually really like the taste so I think I might continue to drink it even if I never find out.

Haven't had coffee in three days. Not really by choice; I've just been too lazy to brew it in the mornings, so I've been drinking tons of earl grey tea instead. I guess it's a pleasant change. I might make coffee tomorrow morning, though. Lots to do!!

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