Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 2 of 4-day fast


3.2 lbs so far. Yesterday my sister told me that she's gained fifteen pounds and she now weighs 145. I tried to hide the ecstasy on my face: I've never ever weighed less than her and now I feel like its within my grasp.

I want to come up with a really strong plan for refeeding after the fast so that I don't just binge and gain it all back. Unfortunately the second day back will be Thanksgiving. I guess it's possible to be healthy on Thanksgiving, because there's SO MUCH to choose from! Like if I avoided dessert and stuck with salad and white meat. It wouldn't be the first time. Or I could even bring some sort of healthy dessert (like fresh fruit) so that I would have something to eat as well and not draw attention to myself. Brilliant.

Alright so to break my fast on Wednesday morning at 9am I will have half a cup of oatmeal cooked with 1/2 an apple, diced, and cinnamon. Approximately 200 calories. I'll need to think about lunch. Oh man thinking about food is so fun. Maybe I'll go read some cookbooks.

I'll write later tonight to let you guys know how it went today. :)


  1. Your plan sounds really good. :] Let's both try and be as healthy as possible after the fast. No more binging! *cheer*

  2. Oh I know that feeling of "you gained weight? That's fantastic!" *smirk*

    Ah the joy of being sick.

    Stay strong girl, I've missed you all.


  3. AH thanksgiving is so hard! Soo many yummy treats.... Great job on losing some weight!
    Have 2 cups of water before each meal you won't need as much :P

    Check out my blog if you want some tips and tricks :)

    good luck!

  4. I have an interest in food and cooking too - a bit inconvenient for my situation though ahah..
    An idea is to have a fruit salad (chop up an apple, kiwi fruit, strawberries, etc into small pieces, mix with yoghurt)- that's what I had for lunch today. Gum helps too- when you've got a piece of gum in yourm outh you'll be less likely to snack on unnecessary foods.

    stay strong

  5. oh, I just realised how long ago this blog was posted. my bad :P who knows, maybe you'll get an email notification about this and decide to come back to the blog..
