Thursday, April 9, 2009

150.6 (Thank God)

I was so scared that all of those many pounds would take days to go away again, but I'm happy to see that a lot of it was probably just water weight. I drank a whole bunch of energy drinks. I still have two lbs to go, though, just to get back to where I was. Ugh I hate setbacks.

Today was an ultra-good day. I even thought about my protein intake, which honestly I hardly ever do. I mean, I'm conscious of it but I don't go out of my way to make sure I include protein in my meals, which, as a vegan, is something I should probably be doing.

Breakfast: 1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal + 1/2 cup vanilla soy milk + 1/2 cup diced papaya + 1/4 cup dried cherries
Lunch: balance bar (some sort of chocolate flavor)
Dinner: two 1/2" slices of sourdough bread

I forgot to look at the balance bar but I counted 980 calories at most (allowing 320 for the balance bar which is probably/hopefully high)

I ran three miles this morning, and I am definitely going to do it again tomorrow morning. It felt great and there was this adorable older man at the park going the opposite direction as me. I ran around 5 times so I probably said hi to him like 15 times. I didn't even have to run by the high school, although I think I might try it tomorrow; running in circles is kind of monotonous.

Good Night!!!

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