Friday, April 10, 2009


I'm back to exactly where I was one week ago. What a setback! But I suppose it could be worse. Much, much worse.

Tomorrow's going to be tricky because I'm supposed to go out for dinner with my boyfriend and his sister. Then we're going to a concert (the thermals, yay!). I MUST NOT spend the night at the BF's house. He has this irritating habit of taking me for granted, which makes me feel awful, and is also infuriating. For example, the concert is tomorrow, right? So I would expect him to call me today to finalize plans etc. AND I left him a message two days ago asking if he wanted to do something beforehand and he did not call me back. Ever. And I know that what'll end up happening is I'll call him like a half-hour before we're supposed to be at wherever we're going and he'll be like, "why didn't you call me earlier?" What a stupid-head. And I'm not refusing to spend the night over there to punish him. I have a list of pretty good reasons:

1. I always stay up too late and then it throws off my sleep schedule;
2. I am allergic to down and his bedding makes me wake up feeling like I got hit by a train;
3. His room smells funny and doesn't have any natural sources of light;
4. There are tons of empty beer and liquor bottles at his house, both inside and outside his room, and as a recovering addict I find that stuff to be triggering;
5. If he wanted to spend time with me, he should have asked me earlier.

Wow. Those are actually really good reasons. Wow. Ha I am re-reading the hitchhiker's guide. Although I've made a vow to put it aside until I get caught up on all of my schoolwork.

Alright, today's intake:

Breakfast: 1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal with 1/2 cup vanilla soy milk + 2 chopped pieces of dried, sweetened mango
Lunch: one red delicious apple, one slice of sourdough bread
Dinner: avocado and tomato salad (one avocado, 10 grape tomatoes, balsamic vinegar and salt/pepper)

No more than 900 calories. I hope. I'm pretty sure.

Oh no writing that stuff about my boyfriend made me get really worked up. I'm totally fuming. This isn't good; I don't want him to think that his behavior bothers me - I only want him to think that it's ineffective for getting what he wants (which, presumably, is time with me). And I want to have fun at the concert tomorrow. To do: work on this.

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