Thursday, March 12, 2009

Okay I know this sounds really elitist but I get kind of skeptical when reading pro-ana blogs with poor spelling and grammar. I thought anorexics were supposed to be perfectionists who excel in all areas of life. Especially those in which they are judged or graded. And in my experience it's pretty hard to be a straight-A student who spells tomorrow with an "a". I don't know. Like my sister went away for awhile to reform school, and when she came back she was super skinny and claimed that she had developed anorexia. But she went back to normal within a couple of months. Plus I never thought she could have been anorexic in the first place because she's a slob who fails classes and gets in trouble all the time. Sorry but there's a difference between excessive dieting and disease.

I cleaned the refrigerator this morning. Talk about appetite suppressants. After encountering moldy applesauce and sourcream and unrecognizeable leftovers I am not hungry. I baked some pillsbury peanut butter brownies and now the house smells divine. Unfortunately I won't be able to try them because I'm vegan! ;) But seriously I've come to realize that sweets generally are more pleasant to smell than to eat. They're way too rich and leave you with that guilty, panicked feeling - like you have to get the gym stat.

In case you didn't already know I am a crazy conservationist. I recycle EVERYTHING, I time my showers to five minutes per day with an alarm, I turn off the faucet while lathering my hands, and I hate "stuff." I buy almost all my clothes used, I keep my shoes until there are holes in the bottoms, and I've had the same backpack since I was 13. Minimalism is my mantra. So cleaning out the fridge was also inspirational because I found all these things that are close to expiration (or just past) that I want to incorporate into my diet during the next couple of days. One half-jar of prego tomato sauce, a half-jar of applesauce, a soy yogurt, brocolli and cabbage, and an apple with one bite out of it (WTF!?). I think I became this way very slowly after being intrigued by the anorexic girl in My Sister's Bones, which is kind of disturbing. I know I wasn't always like this but now it's a central part of my identity. Who knew that reading a book could change your life?

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